Makeup Tips For Video Conferencing
First Impressions: Covid-19 has changed our world and how we interact with our clients. More people are holding Zoom or Facetime meetings. I am often asked what do I need to do to look ready and taken seriously on my next virtual meeting. Below are some tips from my toolbox I often share. 1. Dress
Ten Common Makeup Mistakes.
Do’s and Don’t 1. Do: Use Foundation primer before Foundation. 2. Do: Concealer use shade lighter than your foundation. 3. Do: Use setting power 4. Contour use a taupe matte bronzer. 5. Highlighter does hight points to cheek, nose & cupicts bow. 6. Blush applied to the apple of your cheek. 7. Brow’s Blondes use
Wedding Day Grooming Tips!
For Picture Perfect Grooming Tips ! Eye brows – A couple days before you’re wedding day have a professional “eye brow technician” groom your brows. Facial or a home microdermabrasion. Mani and pedi. Make it a spa day with your bridesmaids and don’t forget Mom and your future mother in law. You will NOT regret
All in a days work.
What a great opportunity to work for photographer David Spagnolo on men health and fashion shoot last week. Model Steven Sabella was a natural !