When planning your wedding , you may not have budgeted a professional makeup artist yet. Hiring a professional makeup artist for your wedding day could be the best decision you make in your planning process.
Most people can do their own makeup well from practice of doing everyday, but very few people actually know how makeup is going to transfer to photography-this is WHY you need an expert. You want to look and feel your best the day of your wedding, and love the photos afterwards.
As a professional makeup artist I have extensive knowledge of beauty photography as well as using different types of makeup to achieve your wedding look.
Lighting : Professional makeup artist take into account a variety of lighting scenarios. What look good in person, in photographs and HD videos if you are in a church, in outdoors lighting, indoors or dark venues.
Longevity: Is vary important on your wedding day. Professional makeup artists takes into account that you will be getting ready long before your event and that your event will last for hours.
Candee Caldwell makeup artist /www.candeecaldwell.com [contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"]